Labels:airplane | apron | circle | crt screen | escalator | monitor | person | plant | road | rock | scissors | sky | traffic light | tree | waterfall OCR: TROUBLE SHOOTNG Program excessivly slow Make sure all other appl ations are shut down Try defraging your haiddrive using the DOS utility 10001 not viyid seems washed ou Make sure that InoA 256 color drivel installed. sometimes 16 color dtirer installed Screen off-set 10 game 10 buttons out of place ake sure Ino scIeen 15 set to 640 480 mode 0 greater Cannot hear some of the page: Make sure InOA sound caId is tuned st all the way but he careful not loud as to blow you ierc Remember CD-ROM is not as fa a haiddrire TROUBLF SHOOTING applica harddrive vivid driver automatically story pages turned almost